
New ERA Guideline released on March 2024 by EMA. What changes in the Environmental Risk Assessment of medicines (ERA)?
What is the environmental impact assessment of active pharmaceutical ingredients? Environmental impact assessment of active...
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Microorganisms in Food Production: a New Trend
Consumer safety in first place Throughout history, microorganisms have played a pivotal role in food...
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April Regulatory Updates
Biocides: IUCLID Version 8.0.1 Launches with Comprehensive Updates New Format Enhancements: IUCLID version 8.0.1 is...
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New drug directive approved on April 11, 2024 by the European Parliament. What changes in the environmental risk assessment of medicines (ERA)?
What does it mean to perform an environmental impact assessment of active pharmaceutical ingredients? Environmental...
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Microplastic Ban: Impact on Medical Devices and Cosmetic Products
Starting from 17 October 2023, the EU will enforce a new regulation (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU)...
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Banned and Restricted Cosmetic Ingredients: What’s New
In last month, two amendments to Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 have been published: Commission Regulation (EU)...
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March Regulatory Updates
Biocides: BPC Updates During its February meeting, the Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) of the European...
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USA Food Safety: GRAS Notice vs Self-Affirmed
In the world of food safety and regulation, the process of introducing new ingredients into...
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February Regulatory Updates
ECHA The Delegated Directive 2024/232, which amends Annex III of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS) regarding the...
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The Dark Side of Nanoparticles: Innovation, Regulation and Safety
The implementation of nanotechnology in the food sector is constantly growing, changing how food is...
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