
Publications 2023-2017

A. Conto
Regulatory Toxicology. More experts needed
Chemistry Today, Vol. 41 (3)

V. Carlucci, M. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, E. Gillio Tos, G. Baldone, A. Conto
Focus on some herbal substances associated with safety concerns. POSTER
1° Congresso Intersocietà sui prodotti vegetali per la salute: il ruolo delle piante medicinali nella medicina moderna. Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, Via Marzolo 5, Padova
15/17 Giugno 2023

A. Conto
The Occupational Exposure Level determination based on toxicological approach
Chemistry Today, Vol. 41 (2)

V. Carlucci M.D. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, E. Gillio Tos, G. Baldone, A. Conto
Environmental Risk Assessment of medicinal Product: a complex issue
Chemistry Today, Vol. 40 (5), page 54-56

V. Carlucci M.D. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, E. Gillio Tos, G. Baldone, A. Conto
Cytotoxicity: regulatory definitions versus scientific knowledge
Toxicology Letters – Special Issue: Abstracts of the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) – Uniting in Toxicology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 18 – 21- Volume 368, Supplement, 1 September 2022, Page S262. Published by ELSEVIER

A. Conto
Essential use of chemicals. Opportunities or contrains
Chemistry Today, Vol. 40 (4), page 65-67

V. Carlucci. M. D. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, E. Gillio Tos, G. Baldone, A. Conto
Cytotoxicity: regulatory definitions versus scientific knowledge
ICT 2022, XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) – Uniting in Toxicology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Poster session

A. Conto
EU Greeen Chemical Legislation and its impact to Industry
Chemistry Today, Vol. 40 (3), 2022

A. Conto
Extractables and Leachables in drug products. The Toxicological and Risk Evaluation
Chemistry Today, Vol. 40 (2), 2022

A. Conto
One Health Approach. Not only relevant but necessary
Chemistry Today, Vol. 40 (1), 2022
February 2022

Ivo Caldera, Marco Rodda, A. Conto
Environmental Risk Assessment of Medicinal Products. A discussion
Linea Guida AFI, Volume XVI, Buone Pratiche di Fabbricazione, pag. 189-251, 2021 Tecniche Nuove e AFI
February 2022

M. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Carlucci, E. Gillio Tos, A. Conto
Nitrosamines: EMA vs FDA
Toxicology Letters – Special Issue: Abstracts of Eurotox virtual congress 2021 – Volume 350S
September 2021

M. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Carlucci, E. Gillio Tos, A. Conto
Nitrosamines: EMA vs FDA
Eurotox Virtual Congress 2021 (online)
September 26 – October 1, 2021

A. Conto
Circular Economy, Substainability and Chemistry: A challenge
Chemistry Today, Vol. 39 (6)

A. Conto, I. Caldera
Reshoring: Tips and Tricks
Chemistry Today, Vol. 39 (5)

A. Conto
Reach Registration dossier: update is still needed
Chemistry Today, Vol. 39(4)

A. Conto M. Rodda. C. Conto
The ecotoxicological and environmental fate studies for the Risk Assessment of active pharmaceutical drugs
Book of Abstracts, Current Approaches in Health and Environmental Ptotection, XVII Italian-Hungarian Symposium on Spectrochemistry, Turin, (Italy)
June 14-18, 2021

A. Conto
Scip, Waste Framework Directive and REACH Regulation
Chemistry Today, Vol. 39(3)

A. Conto
Reach Regulation Update. Towards a new REACH Version in 2022
Chemistry Today, Vol. 39(2)

A. Conto
The EU Chemical Strategy for sustainability towards toxic-free environment
Chemistry Today, Vol. 39(1)

A. Conto
Microplastics: the environmental risk assessment, general criteria and approaches
Chemistry Today, Vol. 38 (6)

A. Conto
Impurities in drugs: a toxicological approach is needed
Chemistry Today, Vol. 38 (5)

M. Rodda, A. Conto
Nitrosamine contamination: still an open issue
PharmaChem n. 10
November/December 2020

A. Conto
ECHA: pronti alla restrizione sulle microplastiche: interview
ICP Magazine, ICP n. 10 2020, pages 58-61

A. Conto
Regulatory Affairs. New challenges and new skills needed
Chemistry Today, Vol. 38(4), pages 20-21
July/August 2020

A. Conto
REACH……and beyond!
Chemistry Today, Vol. 38(3), pages 50-52
May/June 2020

A. Conto
Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of drugs: an overview
Chemistry Today, Vol. 38(2), pages 59-61
March/April 2020

L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Bortolot, M. D. Rodda, E. Gillio Tos, A. Conto
Tatuaggi: a che punto siamo?
19th Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Tossicologia (SITOX), Bologna
January 2020

L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Bortolot, M. D. Rodda, E. Gillio Tos, A. Conto
Nitrosammine: proposta di ranking method per valutare la priorità di valutazione
19th Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Tossicologia (SITOX), Bologna
January 2020

A. Conto, E. Gillio Tos, L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Bortolot
Glucocorticoidi: approcci differenti nel calcolo del valore di PDE e OEL ma risultati simili
Poster, 19° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Tossicologia (SITOX)
Bologna 10-12 Febbraio 2020

A. Conto
Microplastics: a new challenge for environment and human health
Chemistry Today, Vol. 38(1), pages 44-46
January/February 2020
E. Gillio Tos, L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Bortolot, A. Conto
La valutazione del rischio dei prodotti farmaceutici nell’ambiente: un approccio migliorativo
Poster, 19° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Tossicologia (SITOX)
Bologna 10-12 Febbraio 2020

A. Conto
From “in vivo” studies to alternative methods. An update
Chemistry Today, Vol.37(4), pages 14-15
July/August 2019

M. Rodda, E. Gillio Tos, L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Bortolot, A. Conto
Glucorticoids: different approaches in PDE and OEL evaluation, but similar values.
Toxicology Letters – Special Issue: Abstracts of the 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
September-October 2019 (Poster)

M. Rodda, E. Gillio Tos, L. Brunasso Cattarello, V. Bortolot, A. Conto
Pharma pollution as a selective pressure
Toxicology Letters – Special Issue: Abstracts of the 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
September-October 2019 (Poster)

A. Conto
Regulatory Toxicology, indispensable in many regulation: an overview!
Chemistry Today, Vol.37(3), May/June 2019, pages 78-79
June 2019

A. Conto, M.Rodda
L’Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) dei medicinali ad uso umano. Cos’è, come e quando realizzare questo adempimento previsto dalla linea guida EMA
Linea Guida AFI, Volume VX, Pages 2-59
June 2019

A. Conto
PHARMA INTERMEDIATES. Overbiew on Light Registration Procedure after last deadline.
Chemistry Today, Vol 37(2) pages 32-33
March/April 2019

E. Gillio Tos, M. Rodda, A. Iavello, L. Brunasso Cattarello, I. Barbiero, A. Conto
Determination of health-based exposure limits for a residual active substance based on the method for establishing the Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE). Three years Chemsafe PDE evaluations’ analysis. (POSTER)
58th Annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore (MD – USA)
March 10-14 2019 Poster

M. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, E. Gillio Tos, A. Conto
The Risk Assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment: an improved approach. (POSTER)
58th Annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore (MD – USA)
March 10-14 2019 Poster

M. Rodda, L. Brunasso Cattarello, E. Gillio Tos, A. Conto
The Risk Assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment: an improved approach. The Toxicologist, supplement to Toxicological Sciences – the official journal of the Society of Toxicology (SOT)
Oxford University Press–ISSN 1096-6080, Volume 168
March 2019

E. Gillio Tos, M. Rodda, A. Iavello, L. Brunasso Cattarello, I. Barbiero, A. Conto
Determination of health-based exposure limits for a residual active substance based on the method for establishing the Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE). Three years Chemsafe PDE evaluations’ analysis.
Oxford University Press–ISSN 1096-6080, Volume 168
March 2019

BREXIT and REACH: an overview for a worst case scenario (no deal)
Chemistry Today, Vol. 37(1), page 70-71
January/February 2019

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC):a short update
Chemistry today, Vol, 36(5), page 60-62
September/October 2018

BPR impact on SMEs. How to approach a so complex EU Regulation by SMEs.
Chemistry Today, Vol. 36 pages 59/60
May/June 2018

E. Gillio Tos, M. Rodda, A. Iavello, L. Brunasso Cattarello, A. Conto
A homeopathic ophthalmic ointment containing Echinacea purpurea, Euphrasia officinalis and Calendula officinalis extracts: a PDE case report.
54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Bruxelles (Belgium), Poster
September 2018

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: A scientific and regulatory open matter
StoffR (Lexxion) Vol. 3, 2018, pages.116-123
August 2018

Biocidal Regulation Update
Chemistry Today, Vol. 36 pages 53-54
May/June 2018

A.Conto, I. Caldera, M. Rodda
Al. Guideline USP 800, Hazardous drugs handling in healthcare settings.
Buone Pratiche di Fabbricazione, AFI, Volume XIV, Tecniche nuove editore, pag. 343 e successive.
June 2018

REACH, Update for Authorisation and Restriction
Chemistry Today, Vol. 36 pages 31-32
March/April 2018

A.Conto, E. Meriano, Ivo Caldera
Tappa finale per il regolamento REACH.
Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico, pages 66-71.
March 2018

Conto A, Brunasso Cattarello L, Iavello A, Rodda M, Gillio Tos E.
Acebrophylline: a PDE case report. (With its poster).
The Toxicologist, supplement to Toxicological Sciences – the official journal of the Society Of Toxicology (SOT)
March 2018

Conto A, Brunasso Cattarello L, Iavello A, Rodda M, Gillio Tos E.
Prostaglanid Analogs: PDE assessment and relationship with the therapeutic dose. (With its poster).
The Toxicologist, supplement to Toxicological Sciences – the official journal of the Society Of Toxicology (SOT)
March 2018

Conto A.
Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
Unclassifiable Biocides Uses Vol. 35 (6), November/December 2017, pages 26-27
January 2018

Conto A.
Valutare il rischio di farmaci e chemicals. ERA, OEL, OEB, PDE.
ICP n.11, Rivista dell’industria Chimica, pages 14-18
January 2018
Rodda M.; Gillio Tos E.; Iavello A., PhD; Brunasso Cattarello L.; Beccaris F.;

Conto A.
Can Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) be extrapolated from Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) and viceversa?
53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Bratislava (Slovakia)
September 10-13, 2017

A. Conto et al.
Parametri per la gestione della sicurezza e della qualità di sostanze attive.
Linea Guida AFI, Buone Pratiche di Fabbricazione, Volume XIII, pag. 73

Publications 2016-2012

A. Conto
La valutazione del rischio. Il futuro dell’attività regolatoria. Risk Assessment. The future of the regulatory affairs activity.
NCF Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico, page 76-78
December 2016

A. Conto et al.
How to assess the PDE values on the basis of toxicological information/data.
PharmaChem, numero 9/10 2016, pages 7-10
September/October 2016

A. Conto
Biocidi: Cosa cambia con il nuovo Regolamento europeo
Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico, Vol. maggio 2016, pag-50-53
May 2016

A. Conto
Interview. Impurezze genotossiche. Genotossicità? No Grazie! by Giuliana Miglerini
NCF Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico, page 90-94
February 2016

A. Conto et al.
Le condizioni strettamente controllate (SCC) nella produzione chimico-farmaceutica: non solo requisito per la semplificazione degli adempimenti REACH, ma catalizzatore di sinergie in un sistema integrato di gestione di qualità, sicurezza ed ambiente (2015-2016). Sezione 4, Analisi della normativa e delle linee guide in materia esistenti.
Linea Guida AFI, Buone Pratiche di Fabbricazione, Volume XII, pag. 140

M. Rodda, L. Brunasso, L. Barbiero, A. Conto
Come calcolare i valori di PDE sulla base delle informazioni tossicologiche. a PDE e le relative interazioni  HSE e QA nel settore chimico-farmaceutico.
Linea Guida AFI, Buone Pratiche di fabbricazione, Volume  XI, pag. 160
June 2015

A. Conto et al.
Interview to A. Conto et al. on REACH, CLP and Biocides Regulation
ICP magazine, page  6
June 2014

I. Barbiero, A. Conto
Toxicology & Testing strategies for regulatory purposes
Specialty Chemicals Magazine, page 20-21
March 2014

I. Caldera, A. Conto et al.
Gli allergeni: rischi della salute per il lavoratori e per la qualità dei prodotti.
AFI monography, Volume X, Ed. Techniche nuove, 2014

A. Conto, I. Caldera, G. Coppi et al.
La valutazione dei rischi nel settore farmaceutico in ottica di genere, di età e di provenienza geografica
AFI monography, Volume X, Ed. Techniche nuove, 2014

A. Conto, F. Fasano, A. Basilio, G. Coppi et al.
Considerazioni pratiche sul regolamento biocidi 528/2012/EU
AFI monography, Volume X, Ed. Techniche nuove

A. Conto
Handling Hazaurdous Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Reviewed Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology, IV Edition, Volume 1
Edited by Marcel Dekker Inc., 2011, published in August 2013

A. Conto
The testing approach for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of Pharmaceuticals
Chemistry Today, vol 30, n. 3 May June 2012, page 48, peer reviewed
May/June 2012

M. Pavan, E. Fioravanzo, A. Bassan, A. Mostrag-Szlichtyng, A.P. Worth, A. Conto
I modelli in silico QSAR per la valutazione genotossica e cancerogena delle impurezze
16° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Tossicologia (SITOX) Giardini Naxos (ME)
March 21-23, 2012

A. Conto, I. Caldera et al.
Il contenimento nella lavorazione di farmaci ad alta attività.
Linea guida AFI, Buone Pratiche di fabbricazione, Volume VIII

Publications 2011-2007

A. Conto
The mutual recognition procedure on biocidal products in EU
Chemistry today, vol 29, n. 6
November/December 2011

A.Conto, J. Cantavella
From Directives to Regulations. The new trends of the European policy for chemical safety
Chemistry Pharmachem 2011

A. Conto
The transition from the old national system to the BPD biocidal product authorisation, The Italian case
Chemistry Today, Vol., N. 6
November/December 2010

A. Conto, L. De Luca
Writing a Chemical Safety Report, Expertise in different fields is needed
Chemistry Today, Focus on REACH, Vol. 27, no. 4. page 30
July/August 2009

A. Conto
A new approach for the safety assessment of botanicals intended for use as ingredients in food supplements.
Agro Food magazine, Vol 20, n.3, page 12
May/June 2009

A. Conto, E. Meriano, L. Viani. L. Savin, L. De Luca
The Chemical Safety Assessment for Occupational Health Characterisation of the dose-response for human health and the Risk Assessment.
PharmChem, Year 8, Number 1-2, page 2-3
February 2009

A. Conto, L. De Luca
REACH Criteria for PBT assessment. How to approach the evaluation of Persistence, Bioaccumulation and Toxic properties of chemical substances.
Book of abstracts of the XXIII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society, Divisione di Chimica dell’ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, page 53

A. Conto
REACH! The last news!
ICP magazine, page 22-23
November 2008
Interview to A. Conto and others
REACH, a real opportunity?
Laboratorio 2000, n. 6, pages 34-41
September 2008

A. Conto
Technical aspect for the application of REACH in the chemical-pharmaceutical companies
Abstract book, 48° AFI symposium, page 70
June 2008

A. Conto
Interview by Laboratorio 2000
Laboratorio 2000, page 70
April 2008

A. Conto, I. Caldera et al.
Guide to the REACH
Regulation AFI association
February 2008

A. Conto, E. Meriano, L. Viani
The Safety Data under REACH, Quality and Sharing procedure
Focus on REACH, Chemistry Today, page 27-28
January/February 2008

A. Conto, E. Meriano, L. Viani
Chemsafe Company Presentation
Chemistry Today, page 61/62
November/December 2007

A. Conto, E. Meriano, L. Viani
The evolution of the Safety Data Sheet within the European Regulatory Legislation “From the past to the REACH format”.
Pharmachem, page 13
October 2007

A. Conto, E. Meriano, L. Viani
The Business implication related to REACH
Pharmachem, page 6
January/February 2007

A. Conto, E. Meriano, L. Viani
Approching the new EU REACH Regulation, The Action Plan.
Chemistry Today; Focus on REACH Regulation Page IV, Vol. 25, n.1
January 2007

Publications 2006-2002

A. Conto, E. Meriano
Un corretto approccio al REACH, la valutazione preliminare del portafoglio prodotti e la valutazione del budget
La Chimica e l’Industria, page 24
June 2006

A. Conto, E. Meriano
Alternatives to animal testing, a current challenge
Pharmachem, page 38
October 2005

A. Conto, E. Meriano
Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals
Chemistry Today, page 62-64
September/October 2005

A. Conto, E. Meriano
REACH: La nuova legislazione europea sulla sicurezza delle sostanze chimiche
Opuscolo informativo per le aziende del settore issued by Chemsafe
September 2005
N. Corsico, F. Pizzocheri, A. Conto
Nutraceuticals, a simple approach for establishing safety and efficacy
Agro Food, Industry and biotech., page 54
September/October 2004

E. Meriano, A. Conto, F. Pizzocheri
The global harmonisation system (GSH) for the classification and labelling of chemicals
POSTER, IUTOX 2004, Tampere, Finland.
July 10-15, 2004

A. Conto
The history of European legislation on chemical safety
Chemistry Today/Chimica oggi, page 62
June 2004

A. Conto
The Precautionary Approach within the future EU Chemical Policy; Science and Business implications
Pharmachem, Volume no. October 2003
October 2003

A. Conto, F. Pizzocheri
Pharma Intermediates Safety Evaluation, a Reduced Toxicology Programme
POSTER, Eurotox 2003, Florence, Italy
September 28-October 1, 2003

A. Conto, F. Pizzocheri
The future European policy on Safety of Chemical Substances
POSTER, Eurotox 2003, Florence, Italy
September 28-October 1, 2003

F. Pizzocheri, A. Conto, N. Corsico
A Standardized and reliable approach to the assessment of safety and efficacy of nutraceuticals
POSTER, Eurotox 2003, Florence, Italy
September 28-October 1, 2003

A. Conto, E. Fino
Reduced test Package for Pharma Intermediates notification, a new opportunity for the industry
Outsourcing compendium 2003, page 14-15

A. Conto
Handling Hazaurdous Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology, II Edition, Volume 1 Edited by Marcel Dekker Inc.

A. Conto
Aspetti Farmaco-tossicologici e classificazione dei farmaci
Notiziario Chimico-Farmaceutico, pag. 78-81
December 2002

A. Conto, E. Fino
Reduced test Package for Pharma Intermediates notification, a new opportunity for the industry
Chemistry Today, no. 9, page 47-48
September 2002

Publications 2001-1997

A. Conto, P. Gnemi
Un caso di riutilizzo e classificazione di un rifiuto solido
Workshop ”Il Decreto Ronchi. Metodologie e casi di riutilizzo di rifiuti solidi”, BioIndustry Park del Canavese (BiPCa Spa)
March, 2001

P. Gnemi, A. Conto
Un nuovo approccio nella gestione dei reflui. L’esempio americano
Workshop ”Il testo unico sulla acque, problematiche industriali”, BioIndustry Park del Canavese (BiPCa Spa)
February, 2001

P. Gnemi, A. Conto
Harmonizing the notification procedures (EU, USA, Japan)
Presented lecture, Charles Simeons Conference, London
November 15, 2000

A. Conto, P. Gnemi
New Strategies in designing new chemicals
Chemical Market Reporter, vol. 258, no.18
October 30, 2000

A. Conto, P. Gnemi
Le richieste regolatorie internazionali in campo ecotossicologico
Presented lecture, 1th Convegno Nazionale di Ecotossicologia, Torino
July 7, 2000

P. Gnemi, A. Conto
New initiatives for chemical safety
Chemical Market Reporter, vol. 257, no.7
Febbraio 14, 2000

P. Gnemi, A. Conto
Notification programmes case studies
Oral presentation at the CPhI Conference 99 Frankfurt, Germany
December 2-4, 1999

A. Conto, P. Gnemi
The chemical industry client in a CRO prospective
Chemistry Today, Outsourcing
November – December, 1999

Publications 1996-1992

R. Peascador, R. Tettamanti, L. Salvetti, A. Conto, D. Barone, R. Porta, M. Mantovani, L. Ferro
Effects of Defibrotide on leukocytosis in rabbits with diet induced atherosclerosis
Presented during the 66th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society Florence, Italy
July 13-17, 1996

S. Peano, A. Nyska, G.E. Bestetti, A. Conz, P. Marinelli, M. Carbonatto, A. Conto
Spontaneous female genital tract granular cell tumors (GCT) in the Sprague-Dawley rat. Immunohistochemical comparison with the meningeal GCT
Toxicology Letters – Suppl. 1/74 1-106
August, 1994

R. Porta, A. Conz, A. Conto, R. Pescador, M. Mantovani, L. Ferro
Comparable beneficial effects of Defibrotide and Nifedipine in calcium induced atherosclerosislife science
Vol. 54, No. 12, pp. 799 – 812

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