
Machine Learning in Early Prediction of Metabolism of Drugs
Marta Lettieri, Virginia Carlucci and Marco Rodda have contributed to the latest edition of Computational...
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How Mario Draghi’s Vision for European Competitiveness Could Transform the Pharma Industry
The pharmaceutical industry stands at the crossroads of significant transformation as Europe rethinks its global...
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Chemsafe’s Summer Reading Recommendations
 With the warmth of the summer sun shining down, there is no better time to...
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New ERA Guideline released on March 2024 by EMA. What changes in the Environmental Risk Assessment of medicines (ERA)?
What is the environmental impact assessment of active pharmaceutical ingredients? Environmental impact assessment of active...
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New drug directive approved on April 11, 2024 by the European Parliament. What changes in the environmental risk assessment of medicines (ERA)?
What does it mean to perform an environmental impact assessment of active pharmaceutical ingredients? Environmental...
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Regulatory Toxicology: Here’s how Chemsafe can help you
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What is regulatory toxicology Regulatory toxicology is a particular branch of experimental toxicology, historically derived...
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New Alternative Methodologies (NAM): a new approach
What are NAMs? NAMs (New approach methodologies) can be defined as a number of alternative...
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La Tossicologica Regolatoria
Cosa è la tossicologia regolatoria La tossicologia regolatoria è una branca particolare della tossicologia sperimentale,...
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Predizioni “in silico”, sempre più utili e necessari
L’origine: Il Principio delle 3Rs Il principio delle 3Rs riguardanti la sperimentazione animale è stato...
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Environmental Risk Assessment of drugs: novità?
Cosa significa eseguire una valutazione di impatto ambientale dei principi attivi farmaceutici? La valutazione di...
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